Using Hourglasses for Meditation

Nov 17, 2020

For meditation, I used to open up an app from my smartphone, sometimes just to time, and sometimes to listen to the guidance of online gurus. It was nice as I could also see my friends' activity, which streamed healthy peer pressure for me. But the smartphone itself was so distractive that I ended up doing something else with it easily.

Instead, I’m continuing the journey with new company–hourglasses of 30 (left), 5 (right), and 10 (not shown) minutes each. I also bought smaller ones made of plastic, which I can carry in my pocket. They serve as a memento for ‘Me Time,’ everywhere I go.

Currently, I’m not trying to achieve anything via meditation, like a productivity boost, but rather to enjoy the very moment of serenity and be present at a place. Nor am I trying to make it a habit or routine; as the world is teeming with great things to experience and enjoy. With dim light, I just occasionally fall into reflection. I’m not certain where I am heading, but I hope this little change would lead to a clearer vision for that, maƱana.

In a foggy morning after meditation

In a foggy morning after meditation